I figured out why I couldn’t get the image for “I’m Hungry” in the Commissions Gallery to show. It was a formatting problem. When I color in PhotoShop I have the habit of doing it in CYMK mode rather than RBG mode. My background is in print, so I’m used to thinking in printing colors. Yeah, I’m a dinosaur.Â
(If you’re curious, CYMK stands for Cyan, Yellow, Magenta & Black; the four standard ink colors used in printing. Colors on a computer screen are painted with light, not ink, and use three base colors: Red, Blue and Green. See? This blog is educational as well as entertaining!)
All of the images I had previously uploaded were either black & white, or had already been colored before I scanned them so were automatically scanned in RBG mode. The I’m Hungry image was the first one I tried uploading that I had actually colored in PhotoShop.
It seems that WordPress doesn’t like CYMK; so I’ll have to make sure I convert any colored art files to the proper format in the future. Ah well. At least I now know what the problem was.
I’ve updated Hannibal Tesla and will add a new page every day until I chew through my backlog. Once I get the strip caught up, I will update once per week. I’m also adding some commentary to the strips when I think I have something interesting to say about it.
And if you have anything to add, whether questions, comments or snarky remarks, feel free to use the Comment button. I live for feedback.
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