The children’s book I illustrated, Trouble on Earth Day by Kathy Stemke, has recieved recognition by Children’s Literary Classics:
Children’s Literary Classics is pleased to announce that the children’s picture book, Trouble on Earth Day, written by Kathy Stemke OF Mount airy, Georgia, has been selected to receive the Children’s Literary Classics Seal of Approval. The CLC Seal of Approval is a designation reserved for those books which uphold the rigorous criteria set forth by the Children’s Literary Classics review committee, a team comprised of individuals with backgrounds in publishing, editing, writing, illustration and graphic design.
Trouble on Earth Day is the story of Shelby Squirrel, a youngster who is thrilled to have won an Earth Day Poster contest. As Shelby’s family of squirrels contemplate the meaning of her poster, namely to “re-think” how some items might be recycled, they start brainstorming ways to put their saved and cast-off items to good use.  When Shelby encounters a bird in short supply of materials with which to build her nest, she comes to the rescue with some of the items her family had recently decided to recycle. Shelby and her new friend pool their efforts and resources to create a beautiful new nest. Kurt Wilcken’s illustrations add fun and interest to the story. With interactive games and projects, including additional Earth Day history information at the back, this book is an excellent resource for educators on the topic of recycling.
Children’s Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in children’s literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic children’s literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  To learn more about Children’s Literary Classics, you may visit their website at or www.childrensliteraryclassics.
com This CLC Seal of Approval book, ISBN#978-1-936021-36-9, is available for purchase at the following locations: http://educationtipster. , Amazon, B & N, and others. You may contact the author directly for book-signing events at .
Look for more squirrel-and-Earth-Day related material to come!